Saturday, November 13, 2010

Perfect Imperfections

There's this tag that has big going around youtube a lot lately. It's called perfect imperfections. I enjoy watching the videos on this tag so I decided to make a blog version of it. So basically, you state three things you don't like about yourself and three things you do like about yourself. So here I go...

3 things I don't like about myself

1. Boobs - Boobs are girls' major accessories now days. The whole media portrays big boobs as sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, etc. Unfortunately, I'm on the small side. I can't wear those sexy tops or dresses that need boobs to fill them up. I usually go for tops that don't show cleavage or accentuate my boobs like a sweetheart neckline. I wish I had bigger boobs but I don't think I would go the drastic route and do a plastic surgery. It just doesn't feel right for me to do that.

2. Facial Structure - I don't like my chubby cheeks. I wish I had more defined cheeks. I try to contour them but that doesn't even help. My face makes me look more fat than I really am. I want a face structure like Vanessa Hudgens. She has these cheeks bones that are so gorgeous. My cheeks are just plain.

3. Skin color - I'm super tanned. I'm this Filipino girl with a dark tan. I know most Filipino girls are into those skin lightening products like papaya soap but I don't use them. I know I don't like my skin color but I'm not going to use a skin lightening product to make a change. And I'm not the type of girl who avoids the beach or outdoors in general to avoid getting darker. Why do some girls do that?! I soak up the sun! So it doesn't help my skin color if I'm just a beach bum almost every weekend. I wish I was just tanned. Not super-overly tanned.

3 things I like about myself

1. Smile/Teeth - This is one thing I really love about myself. I'm proud to say that I don't have any cavities nor did I need any braces. I just have a natural and beautiful teeth/smile. I take good care of my teeth, even when I was a child! So yay to me! LOLs.

2. Nails - I get a lot of compliments on my nails. I like how my nail beds are long and not short and stubby. I haven't had any acrylics before. I feel like I don't need them and I don't want to ruin my natural nails.

3. "Looking younger than my age" - I also get a lot of compliments from people saying that I look younger than my age. I'm 23 and a lot of people think I'm not even 21 yet. I'd rather look young than my actual age. When I'm in my 30s, I hope I'll still be able to look like I'm in my 20s.
*Photos from Google
Here is one of my favorite youtube videos that I enjoyed watching this tag on. It's once again by my favorite youtube guru JLovesMac1 featuring ThatsHeart.

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